3 tips for becoming an exceptional pharmacy leader
December 9th 2013Do you have the qualities to become an exceptional pharmacy leader? Captain Mark E. Brouker, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, who recently retired from the U.S. Navy's Medical Service Corps after 30 years of service, outlined 3 top leadership qualities during his keynote speech at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting in Orlando.
Compounding act becomes law with APhA support
December 2nd 2013Last week, President Obama signed the Drug Quality and Security Act into law, providing FDA with the authority and responsibility to regulate “outsourcing facilities,” compounders that make large volumes of compounded drugs without individual prescriptions. The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) supported and helped with the drafting of the legislation.
Health Choices coalition supports FSA bill for OTC products
November 8th 2013The National Association of Chain Drug Stores and the National Community Pharmacists Association have endorsed legislation that would restore the ability of consumers to purchase OTC medications using pre-tax dollars from flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts without obtaining a doctor’s endorsement.
More independent pharmacies offer patient services in challenging healthcare environment
October 16th 2013"Because of poor medication adherence, the rampant prescription drug abuse problem, and the worsening primary care shortage, pharmacists are ideally situated,” says B. Douglas Hoey, RPh, MBA, CEO of the National Community Pharmacists Association.
Community pharmacy well positioned for ACA opportunities
October 9th 2013Community pharmacists are well positioned to take advantage of new models of patient care delivery under the Affordable Care Act (ACT) as individuals enroll in the new Healthcare Insurance Marketplace and under Medicaid expansion, according to Carol Kelly, NACDS senior vice president of government affairs and public policy, on the NACDS website.
California provider-status bill signed into law
October 2nd 2013California Governor Jerry Brown has signed provider-status legislation authorizing pharmacists throughout the Golden State to give a full range of immunizations, as well as dispensing birth control pills and certain medications for international travel.
New NCPA webpage helps independents make Obamacare choices
September 30th 2013The National Community Pharmacists Association has created a webpage to educate independent pharmacy owners about Obamacare insurance options for its employees and to help staff members answer patient questions about health insurance exchanges.