September 30th 2024
The event will focus on innovating with cutting-edge technology, featuring the likes of pharmaceutical technology companies revolutionizing the industry.
Independents launch petition to fight mandatory mail order
October 25th 2004Mad as hell about mandatory mail-order contracts, some independent pharmacists have launched petition drives to put pressure on state legislators to ban a practice they feel is bad for their patients and may be even worse for their businesses.
R.Ph./sleuth unearths history of earliest women in pharmacy
October 11th 2004The popular PBS television series, "History Detectives," has raised awareness of the challenges of documenting oral history. Pharmacy's own history detective, A. Jean Matuszak, can attest to the satisfaction of solving some mysteries from the past.
Pharmacy plays critical role in Rx management, says CMS
October 11th 2004Uncle Sam's belated recognition that pharmacists play a critical role in managing patients' medications is why Medicare's top administrator intends to encourage seniors to use their local retail pharmacy as a point of care when the prescription drug benefit goes live in 2006.
Americans favor government Rx regulation, poll finds
October 11th 2004The public is way ahead of the two Presidential candidates when it comes to healthcare reform. That's according to a new nonpartisan poll that found a majority of Americans favor giving the government the power to buy drugs in bulk, to set limits on pharmaceutical company profits, and to limit spending on drug advertising. And they think Uncle Sam should follow Canada's lead by guaranteeing health care.
Pharmacy and pharma team up for dual message
September 27th 2004Trying to counter the current public focus on price, price, price that's reducing drugs to just another commodity, several pharmacy groups and pharmaceutical manufacturers have teamed up to deliver the message that medications work and community pharmacists help them work better.
North Carolina R.Ph.s tackle polypharmacy
September 27th 2004Building on their rousing diabetes disease management success with the Asheville Project, North Carolina pharmacists have been given another opportunity to strut their patient care stuff. State officials have set up a pilot program in two counties using pharmacists to help state employees manage multiple medications.
To promote R.Ph.s, Calif. association launches radio spots
September 27th 2004Pharmacists don't get enough respect. That's an aspect of modern life that the California Pharmacists Association wants to change. CPhA and the nonprofit Pharmacy Foundation of California (PFC) launched what may be the nation's first radio campaign designed solely to elevate the image of pharmacists.