The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the "hidden epidemic” of drug diversion. The good news is that health care systems are recognizing the need to switch to a more proactive approach.
Inviting members of Congress into the pharmacy helps legislators experience first hand the value that pharmacists bring to their communities.
Stimulant medications are the first-line pharmacologic therapy for ADHD, but many of these medications are currently in short supply.
Does anxiety justify an exemption from vaccine mandates among health care workers?
How pharmacy owners and managers should plan for new technology.
There is now a mad scramble to gain interchangeable status for biosimilars, but the meaning and significance of this appellation haven't yet been worked out for health care consumers or the manufacturing community.
Buyers must be aware of the nuances involved in purchasing a pharmacy.
Buyers must be aware of the nuances involved in purchasing a pharmacy.
The “law” applicable to drug reimbursement encompasses an array of laws across 50 states, the territories, and the federal government.