Group to help retailers meet IRS requirements for IIAS transactions
The Special Interest Group of IIAS Standards (SIGIS), formerly known as the IIAS Standards Interest Group, announced its formal incorporation and the introduction of a voluntary industry standard solution to meet IRS requirements for operating an inventory information approval system (an IIAS). The group's standards will enable a broad range of participants in health benefit payment transactions to implement consistent systems and processes for transaction processing and data retention. As of January 1, 2009, the IRS requires most pharmacy retailers to operate an IIAS. For more information, visit
Psychiatric Pharmacist Working to Optimize Treatment, Improve Patient Safety
December 13th 2024A conversation with Nina Vadiei, PharmD, BCPP, clinical associate professor in the Division of Pharmacotherapy at University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy and a clinical pharmacy specialist in psychiatry at the San Antonio State Hospital.