Consider these services to improve your independent community pharmacy's return on investment.
So, you’re ready to expand your pharmacy’s offerings and add some patient services. Where do you begin?
Kurt Proctor, PhD, RPh, senior vice president of strategic initiatives at NCPA, notes that while there are a lot of different ways to diversify, not every option is right for every pharmacy.
“It’s important for pharmacists to make sure they’re remaining relevant to where healthcare is going,” he says. “It’s not just about the economics of dispensing, but it’s also that the payer community overall is changing. So they need to make sure they’re doing the things the marketplace is valuing.”
The 2018 NCPA Digest offers insight into the many steps independent community pharmacists are taking to help define the future of pharmacy practice and improve their return on investment.
Proctor, who is also president of the NCPA Innovation Center, says diversification has become an important part of the organization’s education program. Pharmacists who are interested in learning more can access the Diversified Revenue Opportunities section of the NCPA website for more information and inspiration.