Peter A. Kreckel practices pharmacy in Lemont Furnace, Pennsylvania.
Advocate for Your Pharmacy Staff
“If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he’ll eat you last.” – Ronald Reagan
Mask Wearing: A Small Sacrifice for the Greater Good
In the absence of rock-solid data to the contrary, wearing a mask seems to be a small sacrifice to protect each other’s health.
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
This small, 1200-square-foot drugstore will take care of the patients and their problems that the big-box guys could care less about.
Opinion: What Chain Pharmacies Can Learn from Independents
From Pete Kreckel, why chain pharmacists have answers that chains are looking for.
Opinion: Color Coded Inhalers
"I’ve yet to meet a pharmacist who ever had this covered in pharmacy school," writes Kreckel.
Opinion: Perish Together as Fools?
We need to stand up for anywhere our profession has a profound impact on healthcare, writes Kreckel.
Opinion: Staying Afloat
PBMs are making it nearly impossible to navigate the waters of healthcare, writes Kreckle.
Opinion: Training the Technicians
Figuring out the equations for quality technicians.
Opinion: Staffing, Phone Lines, and Drive-Throughs
Pete Kreckel discusses how he is always working to improve the workflow in his pharmacy.
Opinion: Why Change Is Like a Hemorrhoidectomy
"Our jobs change, our families change, our kids change, and whether we realize it or not, we change."
Opinion: Hard Work is Inevitable, but Burnout is Not
Note the physiological signs of stress and consider necessary changes.
Opinion: Job Satisfaction is a Choice
The key to job satisfaction lies in your perspective.
How to Create the Job You Want
You probably can’t find your perfect job-you’ll have to make it.
What the FDA Needs to Do
There are a lot of factors that go into medication errors-pharmacists are stepping up, but the FDA must also act.
Thoughts on Maximillian Kolbe and the Opioid Crisis
Pharmacy Students Aren’t Ready for the Real World
It’s time to fix the disconnect between what students are taught and what’s needed to practice.
Every Patient is Unique
Pharmacogenomics helps pharmacists recognize how every patient requires a different approach.
Pharmacists Trapped in the Middle of Drug Price Wars
High drug prices are caused by a variety of forces-but pharmacists always seem to get caught in the crossfire.
10 Pharmacist Suggestions for Trump's Drug Pricing Campaign
What one pharmacist suggests President Trump should do to help pharmacists and their patients.
It's Time to Rethink Pharmacy Tech Staffing
Chicago proposed legislation requiring minimum pharmacy technician hours. Should other municipalities follow suit?
Explaining the Flawed DIR System to Student Pharmacists
Peter Kreckel recently tried to explain DIR fees to students. Here’s how it went.
Pharmacists Are the Vitamins of Healthcare
The Father of Vitamins was an incredibly important person who went unthanked-just like pharmacists.
The First Billion-Dollar Drug
Explaining the high price of a drug to a customer is hard enough, but its worse when its your mother.
The red pen rules: How to prevent pharmacy error
Anxious new pharmacists get a shot in the arm from columnist Pete Kreckel, RPh.