Women’s Health: Most Read Stories From 2024


Check out this list of our top 5 most read women’s health stories from the year 2024.

HHS Issues Reminder to Health Plans: Provide Contraceptive Coverage

With so much uncertainty in the US regarding female contraception and women’s birth rights, the January/February issue of Drug Topics looked at the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) recent guidance. In January of last year, HHS issued an official reminder to health plans and insurers to ensure they abide by contraception coverage requirements. Furthermore, HHS also required plans to include intramuscular long-acting contraceptives and intrauterine devices in Medicare Part D formularies.

Top read women's health stories from the year 2024 | image credit: Sabrina / stock.adobe.com

Top read women's health stories from the year 2024 | image credit: Sabrina / stock.adobe.com

Opioid Exposure During Pregnancy Linked With Increased Risk of Preterm Birth

For women who are pregnant, pain management can become a very complicated task because of the impacts pharmacologic therapies can have on the child. One example researchers found was how opioids for pain management led to an increased risk of spontaneous preterm birth. As a result of these findings, researchers suggested that any pregnant individual prescribed opioids should start with the lowest dose necessary.

Exploring Dementia Risk, Hot Flashes, Oral Health in Postmenopausal Women

Every year, the Endocrine Society hosts ENDO, a conference that features a lineup of sessions offering a unique opportunity to dive into topics from nearly every major therapeutic area of endocrinology and hormone science. In a collection of posters presented at the conference, researchers explored a variety of health outcomes for women experiencing postmenopause.

CVS, Walgreens to Begin Mifepristone Dispensing This Month

Wrapping back around to more topics surrounding birth control, in March 2024, CVS and Walgreens announced they would begin dispensing mifepristone the following month. Mifepristone is a medication that assists in abortions and the legality of it was put into question during debates of abortion rights in the US. In a pro-abortion move, the big-chain retailers first started dispensing in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, California, and Illinois, but expanded further later.

Plant Protein Intake Linked to Disease Prevention, Healthy Aging Among Women

Could plant protein consumption be the key to a longer life? Early in 2024, researchers from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered a strong association between plant protein intake in midlife and healthy aging among women. The key finding researchers presented was how plant protein had the most favorable outcomes compared with animal, dairy, and total proteins.

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