Technology Update column for issue of March 8, 2004.
WHO Encourages Caution As AI Becomes More Prevalent In Health Care
The World Health Organization (WHO) shared their enthusiasm for the “appropriate” use of new technologies, and urged safety and caution as automation becomes normalized in the health care sphere.
Easing The Burden of Burnout With Technology
Lani Bertrand, RPh, joins the latest episode of Over The Counter to discuss the role of technology in easing burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Is ChatGPT Health Care’s Next Big Thing?
Artificial intelligence has many applications in health care, but hurdles to widespread adoption remain.
Reach Your Business Goals in 2021
In part 1 of our podcast series with American Associated Pharmacies (AAP), AAP President and CEO Jon Copeland dives into key pharmacy industry trends.
Digital Therapies Poised for Breakthrough in Migraine Treatment
The number of digital therapeutics available for migraine is likely to expand.
Is ChatGPT Healthcare's Next Big Thing?
Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize and improve medicine. However, in order for widespread implementation, certain challenges and obstacles must first be overcome.