Some states are now adding a technician to their board of pharmacy.How do you feel about this development?
Some states are now adding a technician to their board of pharmacy. How do you feel about this development? This was an Instant Poll posted on Drug Topics Web site in April. It drew a record number of responses2,404 in all. Here's what respondents said: Close to half (49%) said technicians are part of the healthcare team and should be represented on state boards of pharmacy; only 7% said there is no need for them to be represented. Another 11% feel that there should be more pharmacists from different practice settings, rather than technicians, added to state boards, while 31% said both should be represented. Not clear from the poll is how the votes break down by respondents who are pharmacists versus technicians. Overall, there are twice as many technicians as pharmacists in this country, and the poll was open to all.
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