Check out a recap of important pharmacy news you might’ve missed this week, dispensed in small doses.
Q&A: Pharmacists’ Role in Helping Patients Manage Ultra-High-Cost Drugs
Erin Fox, PharmD, MHA, BCPS, FASHP, joined Drug Topics to explore ultra-high-cost drugs and pharmacists’ role in managing patients’ prescription regimens.
American Pharmacies: Powering the Profession Through Leadership
Drug Topics sat down with Laird Leavoy, President of American Pharmacies, to discuss the role leadership plays in the independent pharmacy industry.
Semaglutide Does Not Increase Depression, Suicidal Ideation in Patients With Obesity
Taking once-weekly subcutaneous semaglutide does not increase depression symptoms or suicidal ideation in patients with obesity.
How Centralized Fulfillment is Making Pharmacy More Efficient
Tom Utech, PharmD, CEO of iA, joined Drug Topics to discuss his company’s centralized pharmacy fulfillment solutions.
Defining Resilience in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes
There is no standard way to define resilience in adolescent patients with type 1 diabetes, though many studies see resilience as an ability or process.
FDA Approves Actemra Biosimilar Tocilizumab-Anoh
Tocilizumab-anoh is the biosimilar formulation for ACTEMRA, a medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, COVID-19, and other diseases.