Community pharmacists are encouraged to express their views to lawmakers at the National Association of Chain Drug Stores’ 4th annual RxIMPACT Day in Washington, D.C., in March.
Community pharmacists are encouraged to express their views to lawmakers at the National Association of Chain Drug Stores’ (NACDS) 4th annual RxIMPACT Day in Washington, D.C., March 21-22.
The event will bring pharmacists, pharmacy leaders, students, and other pharmacy advocates to meet with lawmakers to discuss the value of community pharmacy in improving health and reducing healthcare costs.
“The NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill is an important opportunity for community pharmacy advocates to engage with lawmakers on pro-patient, pro-pharmacy issues,” NACDS President and CEO Steven C. Anderson said.
U.S. Senator Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) will be the keynote speaker for the event, during breakfast on March 22. Pryor is the sponsor of S. 1058, the Pharmacy Competition and Consumer Choice Act of 2011. Mort Kondracke, who appears on Fox News and The McLaughlin Group, will address attendees during the welcome dinner on March 21.
Hundreds of individual meetings with lawmakers and their staffs will be conducted during the RxIMPACT event. Pharmacy advocates will discuss medication therapy management, protecting fair and accurate reimbursement in the Medicaid program, and issues relating to pharmacy benefit managers.
For more information, or to attend the event, visit the RxIMPACT