A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Wisconsin pharmacist, who alleged that Wal-Mart fired him last summer for refusing to fill birth control scripts and violated his religious freedom. The judge found that Neil Noesen was dismissed because he was disruptive and that Wal-Mart accommodated his views by having other R.Ph.s fill BC scripts.
R.Ph. loses Wal-Mart suit
A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Wisconsin pharmacist, who alleged that Wal-Mart fired him last summer for refusing to fill birth control scripts and violated his religious freedom. The judge found that Neil Noesen was dismissed because he was disruptive and that Wal-Mart accommodated his views by having other R.Ph.s fill BC scripts. Noesen was reprimanded by the Wisconsin pharmacy board last year for refusing to transfer a BC script and ordered to pay an estimated $20,000 in administrative costs.
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