Regarding your April Instant Poll on whether pharmacy techniciansshould sit on state boards of pharmacy, I don't think so. Ashelpful and well trained as some techs are, they still lack aformal pharmacy education and a state license. Pharmacy techniciansare not held to the same degree of liability should a CQI(continuous quality improvement) event or malpractice claim occur.Having all techs certified would provide for a base level ofcompetency. I also believe we should elevate the educational statusof the pharmacy tech by providing a formal education at thevocational or community college level. I would gladly welcome apharmacy tech with an A.S. degree and state pharmacy technicianlicense to sit on any state board.
Challenges for Pharmacies in 2025: What to Expect and How to Prepare
January 8th 2025Pharmacy professionals are used to overcoming obstacles in this competitive, dynamic field. But the coming year will bring challenges affecting patient care, the industry workforce and their business. Pharmacies must be ready to do more than weather the storm; they need deliberate strategy and sophisticated tools to thrive amidst these obstacles. This white paper will discuss the issues and solutions that should be at the top of every pharmacy professional’s mind as they start the new year.