Pharmacists trying to keep up with all the proposed state and federal health technology legislation can check out Web sites created by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS).
Pharmacists trying to keep up with all the proposed state and federal health technology legislation can check out Web sites created by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). The HIMSS Health IT Legislation Crosswalk, posted at:, compares provisions of seven bills in Congress. The HIMSS State Legislation Tracker at updates current healthcare IT legislation around the country.
Shot in the arm
The health and wellness appointment firm pickAtime has an application that might interest pharmacists who offer flu immunizations, health exams, and other wellness-related programs. PickAtime helps event coordinators set up appointment times and then directs participants to a Web site to select the slots they want. Since it's a hosted solution, there's no software to install, according to the Sammamish, Wash., firm. The cost for an event at a single location is 30 cents per appointment. There's more information at
Compounding pharmacists can now purchase the SteriSHIELD Barrier Isolator unit from the Baker Co., Sanford, Maine. The SS500 model is designed to help pharmacies comply with USP Chapter 797 standards for aseptic nonhazardous pharmaceuticals. The unit's features include HEPA-filtered unidirectional airflow, microprocessor touch pad membrane control, and motor-speed controller to reduce the risk of line voltage fluctuations. For more information, go to, or phone 1-(800) 992-2537.
No paper cuts
Integrated Informatics Inc. signed contracts to install its Pharmacy Operations Management System (POMS) at Northwest Texas Healthcare System in Amarillo; Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes, Ind.; and St. Luke's Hospital System in Boise, Idaho. The firm says its paperless browser-enabled system is a cost-effective, quick-to-install solution to order communications and improved workflow between pharmacy and nursing. For more information, go to:
Kiosk capers
Distributed Delivery Networks (ddn) got a green light from the California pharmacy board to use its Automated Product Machine (APM) at the White Cross Pharmacy in El Cajon. Patients get their refill scripts from the dispensing kiosk without stopping at the pharmacy counter. The San Diego tech firm has plans for two more installations. For more information, go to
Sneak peek
A new tool helps detect stolen goods stashed under shopping carts. The LaneHawk contains a small video camera and visual pattern recognition software that interfaces directly with the store's POS system. When a cart enters the checkout lane, the camera can record images of the products beneath the cart, identify the products, then sends their UPC codes into the POS system, according to developer Evolution Robotics, Pasadena, Calif. For more information, go to; phone (626) 229-3199; or e-mail
More for less
Ohio-based Discount Drug Mart is rolling out Parata Robotic Dispensing System (RDS) units to automate dispensing in many of its 60 stores. The wider adoption followed a pilot test of RDS, freeing the chain to add other initiatives, including a durable medical equipment hub and drive-through window in one location, without more staff. For more info, go to; phone 1-(888) 727-2821; or e-mail