OK, now it's official. Providing annual vaccination against the flu for staff in hospitals and nursing homes will be a JCAHO standard as of Jan. 1, 2007.
Flu shot for health workers: JCAHO standard for 2007
OK, now it's official. Providing annual vaccination against the flu for staff in hospitals and nursing homes will be a JCAHO standard as of Jan. 1, 2007. As part of this new requirement, health facilities are supposed to provide access to the flu shot on site. Licensed independent practitioners with close patient contact and volunteers are also expected to be vaccinated. The goal of this new standard is to boost influenza vaccination rates among healthcare workers, now estimated at only 40% per year. The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases applauded JCAHO’s new standard, adding, “We hope in the future this standard will be expanded to encompass various strategies to increase healthcare worker vaccine uptake, such as signed declination.”
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