Experts at NACDS TSE offer best practices to prevent cyber-crime


Leading cybersecurity experts will provide real solutions to help businesses protect against potential cybersecurity risks during the 2014 NACDS Total Store Expo in Boston.

Leading cybersecurity experts will provide real solutions to help businesses protect against potential cybersecurity risks during the 2014 NACDS Total Store Expo in Boston.

On Sunday, August 24, the first of two Insight Sessions on cybersecurity, “Risk without rewards – what every executive should know about cybersecurity,” will take place at the Boston Convention Center, Room 260, Level 2 at 10 am.

Dr. Steven P. Bucci, director of the Allison Center for Foreign and National Security Policy Studies, and Jim Schwarz, an attorney with Squire Patton Boggs, will review trends of cyber-crime and explore the specifics that retailers and pharmaceutical industry executives should be aware of to better protect their companies.

Dr. Bucci has a great deal of experience as the military assistant under Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld after 9/11 and the war on terrorism and later as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Defense and Defense Support to Civil Authorities. Schwarz is a cybersecurity law specialist who helps businesses identify and monitor the impact of cybersecurity risks. He also has served as an executive and legal counsel for Fanties Drug Stores and Peoples Drug Stores.

On Monday, August 25, the second session on cybersecurity, “What best in class companies are doing to mitigate cybersecurity risk,” will take place at the convention center in Room 152, Level 1 at 8 am.

Schwarz will moderate a discussion with cybersecurity experts about ways for companies to protect themselves against a potential cybersecurity breach. The experts are Tom Malatesta, CEO of Ziklag Systems, LLC; Paul Calatayud, chief information security officer of Surescripts LLC; and Mark A. Tanner, president of global security firm Arixmar East.

At Ziklag Systems, Malatesta provides advanced security for mobile platforms globally. He also have served as an advisor for a number of private sector security and financial firms.

At Surescripts, Calatayud manages information security, audit, and enterprise risk management, He also was an information security cryptographer in the Army and worked in information security with a number of government and private sector companies. 

Tanner retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation as the director of the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force. He now serves as co-chair of the FBI's Infragard Cyber Security Special Interest Group for the Infragard National Capital Region Member Alliance.

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