Drug Topics' Top Stories, March 2014


Here's what thousands of your fellow pharmacists were reading this month at Drug Topics

Here at Drug Topics, it is always instructive - okay, fascinating - to see which of the stories we publish in print and online draw the most attention from our readers. Chances are, you’ll find it interesting too. Here’s what thousands of your fellow pharmacists were reading at Drug Topics during the month of March 2014.

Heading the list this month was “Thousands of painkillers missing from 4 CVS stores,” as our readers, along with the DEA, wondered how 37,000 prescription painkillers could disappear before somebody noticed.

Our second-most-read feature was “Is there age bias in pharmacy?”, a collection of reader responses to Goose Rawlings’ February 2014 column, “They shoot horses, don’t they?” Incidentally, e-mails are still coming in on this subject, which we plan to share in an upcoming article, and numerous comments have been posted that you might want to check out. Let us just say that feelings run strong.

Next in popularity with readers was our March cover story, “The ACO Team,” which described some of the opportunities developing for pharmacists with accountable care organizations.

Thousands of readers viewed Kim Ankenbruck’s blog post “Who will stand up for pharmacy?” after we featured it in our March 8 Special Report, and golly, did she get mail. This was another article that struck a nerve.

And coming in at No. 5 was “15 reasons pharmacists make great dates,” reporting on a list concocted at eHarmony.com by someone who clearly is not a pharmacist. Make of it what you will.

The next five most-read stories for the month of March were:

Non-doctors writing millions of painkiller Rxs

Undertreated pain: The pharmacist’s call to advocate

Pharmacist must repay Medicaid $1 million

DEA proposes rescheduling combination hydrocodone drugs

Oklahoma independents rally against PBMs

Are there subjects you'd like to see reported in the pages of Drug Topics? E-mail us at drugtopics@advanstar.com and let us know! 



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