Beware of these changes to residency accreditation


Pharmacists in charge of residency programs should be aware that ASHP's Commission on Credentialing has recently approved several new rules related to the way such programs are accredited or reaccredited.

Pharmacists in charge of residency programs should be aware that ASHP's Commission on Credentialing has recently approved several new rules related to the way such programs are accredited or reaccredited.

Jane Pruemer, associate professor, clinical pharmacy practice, University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy and the chair of the commission, spoke about the new rules at the recent ASHP National Residency Preceptors Conference in San Diego. She said the new standards cover the following:

The commission is also revising standards implemented in 2002. For the past two years, it has been discussing new terminology relevant to specialty programs. The proposal is to use "postgraduate year 1" or "PGY1" for residencies in the first year after the degree and postgraduate year 2 (PGY2) for programs offered after a first year of residency has been completed.

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